Iron Workers
LU 387

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Core Values include:

 Local 387 continues to perform at an optimum level that helps sustain a larger workforce pool.  We specialize in this trade, providing our contractors with the highest quality work on every project. Our strength is that we are, and will continue to be, a team working together to ensure success. We support the Steel Erectors Association and assist in their efforts in bidding jobs against the non-union through the use of our Market Recovery Funds, Davis Bacon Wage and Determinations declared by DOL, and OSHA guidelines. Our goal is to meet contract requirements by completing jobs under budget.

    Union Iron Workers don’t have a job, they have a career. With the ability to work across the United States and Canada, members take pride in being the best. We continue organizing efforts in growing our membership.  We're developing, and training industry leaders in safety, technical competence, productivity, and professionalism.  At Ironworkers Local 387, our common goal is to meet all contract requirements by completing projects safer, faster, and of a higher quality than our competition.

Local 387 FORMS


Our training facility is located at 114 Selig Drive SW Atlanta.  Tours are available upon request.  The 10,000 sq. ft.  facility offers an overhead crane, welding booths and module mockups. We utilize mock-ups that can assimilate contractors’ needs while teaching skills and proficiency to our workforce.

Atlanta workers deserve decent wages, health care, and retirement options.  We, here at Ironworkers Local 387, offer and promote a better work environment, winning attitudes, and drug free workforce. 




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Local 387 Signatory Contractors
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Jurisdiction (map INTL) Local Local 387 Represents craft jurisdiction in 114 counties in Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina. Local 387 is a mixed local directly partnered with more than 30 signatory contractors with Local 387 agreements. Work within the jurisdiction typically trends in the following markets: Commercial – 68% Power Capital & Maintenance – 8% Industrial – 17% Government – 7% Among the projects performed, approximately 87% are within 100 miles of Atlanta

Local 387 CONTRACT
Know your Collective Bargaining Agreement!

Local 387 BENEFITS
View programs and benefits here.

Atlanta Iron Workers LU #387

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Working Together
Labor is Trade

Helmets To Hardhats
Information Link

Building Trades | Local #387 

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Union Meetings: -- Members in attendance must show a current dues receipt.   Food services commence at 5:30pm!

2024  Competition

109 Selig Drive SW, Atlanta, GA 30336

Office (404) 505 - 0022 

BM|FST Robert Duffield 

114 Selig Drive SW, Atlanta, GA 30336

(404) 505 - 0405

Coordinator Chris Tobiasson

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